Monday, January 16, 2012

How I put too much pressure on myself - (Laura C.)

Laura is not one to offer unsolicited advice.  She is thoughtful and reserved.  However, she has, on more that one occasion, randomly reminded me that if I need to skip a day of blogging it would be fine.  Apparently, since the inception of this idea, she has been wary.  Perhaps she thinks that if I failed to follow my self-inflicted rules I would wither and wallow.   That little stinker, she really knows me. 

She knows I put a lot of pressure on myself.  She knows that I can be too hard on myself.  She was right to remind me.  But, Laura, I hope you think this has been a positive endeavor.  I do.  And I'll prove it. 

How?  A Pro/Con list, of course. 


1. Daily blogging causes you to neglect your pedicure.  Toenail polish is one of my few guilty pleasures.  Year round, I love to keep my piggies pampered with paint.  I only indulge in a spa treatment a couple of times a year and keep them up on my own in between.  But, alas, my "Red Zin-ful" toes are leftover from the holidays.  The paint is chipped, dingy and sad.  I even bought a new color a few weeks ago that I have yet to use.  My feet might have to wait until February to drink in the beauty that is "Haute Chocolate."

2. I am a wittle bit sweepier than usual.  Granted, I have two young children, but they have been sleeping fine.  I, on the other hand, have been staying up later and dreaming in blog.  Some times I feel like I spent the entire night rolling ideas around instead of resting.  

3. Insecurity has set in, a bit.  I fear you all may be getting tired of me.  Is all this quantity harming my quality?   Are you considering breaking up with my blog?


1. I am building amazing content on my site in just a few short weeks.  This has given me the confidence to promote my blog.  I feel like now, if I send some one here, they will have plenty to read and will really be able to get a feel for what I am all about.     

2. I have learned that I really could write every day if I wanted to.  I have the time.  I have the unique niche and voice.  I probably won't blog every day after the challenge is over, but I probably will blog much more often than before. 

3. Every night, after the girls are in bed, my husband makes a fire and I sit and write.  It has been a great way for us to unwind together.

4. Thinking about my blog, literally all day long, has sparked fresh ideas.  I feel like I will have plenty to write about for a long time.  I created a Facebook page for the blog (Please take a second to "Like" it) and I have even devised another challenge I will tell you about soon.

5. I have begun networking as a blogger.  In fact, tomorrow is my first guest post on another site.  I recently connected with a mommy blogger on Twitter who celebrates "Zombie Tuesdays."  Tomorrow, I am her guest writer (about video games, of course.)  Look for a link to her blog from mine.  

6. It has been fun conquering all of your clever blog topics and thinking about you as I write them.  Please send me more any time. 

So, to recap, I have gained a lot from this 30 Day Writing Challenge and I am only half of the way through it.  It seems that the only negative things coming out of this are shabby toes, insufficient sleep and lame insecurities.  What else is new?  Time for another beer.  Here's to 16 down and 14 to go! (posts.  not beers.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your chipped piggies—and Haute Chocolate nail polish sounds a-maz-ing—but I love all your pros, especially guest blogging! wowsers!
